My Books
Dr. King’s Dream and Barack Obama: Yes We Can

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-111-9
Judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character is such a lofty ideal, a fleeting illusion, given our American history and traditions. Yet, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood boldly on August 28, 1963 at Washington, DC’s Lincoln Memorial and with grace and unequaled eloquence put forth this challenge, this dream, to the American people and the world.
This book chronicles the struggles and sacrifices of those who heeded the challenge to bring this dream to fruition, culminating with the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-111-9
Judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character is such a lofty ideal, a fleeting illusion, given our American history and traditions. Yet, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood boldly on August 28, 1963 at Washington, DC’s Lincoln Memorial and with grace and unequaled eloquence put forth this challenge, this dream, to the American people and the world.
This book chronicles the struggles and sacrifices of those who heeded the challenge to bring this dream to fruition, culminating with the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States
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Poetic Splendor of the Morning

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublisherAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4489-4746-1
This book explores many of the feelings, thoughts and experiences of our human journey in life, including love, beauty, joy, pain, faith, challenge, success, pride, courage and much more. Insightful and inspirational, this collection of poetry is a literary treasure.
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The Love of Books and Academic Excellence: A Memoir

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-0082-9
This memoir highlights the author’s love of reading books, insatiable quest for knowledge and resolve for academic excellence that elevated him to become one of the most renowned university professors, scholars, writers and poets in America.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-0082-9
This memoir highlights the author’s love of reading books, insatiable quest for knowledge and resolve for academic excellence that elevated him to become one of the most renowned university professors, scholars, writers and poets in America.
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Lifting Our Literary Voices: An Anthology of Poetry, Short Stories and Essays

Authors: Ralph Hogges, Marva Hare Morris, Clyde A. Bailey and Indiana Robinson
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-3291-2
It is our hope and expectation that this anthology will further enhance your cultural and intellectual development and enjoyment. Literature has always played a vital role in our lives and is a treasured legacy that should be passed on to each new generation. It is with an acknowledgment and adherence to that history and tradition that we put forth our anthology of poetry, short stories and essays.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-3291-2
It is our hope and expectation that this anthology will further enhance your cultural and intellectual development and enjoyment. Literature has always played a vital role in our lives and is a treasured legacy that should be passed on to each new generation. It is with an acknowledgment and adherence to that history and tradition that we put forth our anthology of poetry, short stories and essays.
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Crossing the Jordan River: Reflections on My Spiritual Journey

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-7313-7
Called to preach at the age of twelve, Hogges resisted for some thirty-two years. At the age of forty-four, he accepted God’s call.
He realized that every day of his life had been a blessing from God and dedicated his life to being a blessing to others. In the chapters of this book, he endeavors to share with you some of the divine wisdom and sacred fruits of his spiritual journey.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4512-7313-7
Called to preach at the age of twelve, Hogges resisted for some thirty-two years. At the age of forty-four, he accepted God’s call.
He realized that every day of his life had been a blessing from God and dedicated his life to being a blessing to others. In the chapters of this book, he endeavors to share with you some of the divine wisdom and sacred fruits of his spiritual journey.
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Inspired by the Harlem Renaissance

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: MQOTA Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-4363-4915-4
This collection of poems acknowledges and celebrates the triumphs and legacy of the Harlem Renaissance, a time of creative and artistic black voices in literature. The poems focus on color, family, love determination, power and much more.
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Publisher: MQOTA Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-4363-4915-4
This collection of poems acknowledges and celebrates the triumphs and legacy of the Harlem Renaissance, a time of creative and artistic black voices in literature. The poems focus on color, family, love determination, power and much more.
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Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama: Presidents Extraordinaire of the World

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-7104-5
The forty-three year age difference between Nelson Mandela’s birth of 1918 in South Africa and Barack Obama’s birth of 1961 in the United States may cause some to assume that they have very little in common, but they would be wrong. If we look more honestly and intensively, the first impression one typically gets from observing Mandela and Obama is that they are comfortable, confident and in control. The second impression is that they are inclusive and reach out to others. And, the third impression is that they have a deep, rich and empowering resolve to change and improve their respective countries and perhaps the world.
In this intriguing and phenomenal journey, the author navigates the life and times of these
two men who did something that people throughout the world thought and believed, with
good historical and contemporary reasoning, could never happen in South Africa and the
United States: Presidents Extraordinaire.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-7104-5
The forty-three year age difference between Nelson Mandela’s birth of 1918 in South Africa and Barack Obama’s birth of 1961 in the United States may cause some to assume that they have very little in common, but they would be wrong. If we look more honestly and intensively, the first impression one typically gets from observing Mandela and Obama is that they are comfortable, confident and in control. The second impression is that they are inclusive and reach out to others. And, the third impression is that they have a deep, rich and empowering resolve to change and improve their respective countries and perhaps the world.
In this intriguing and phenomenal journey, the author navigates the life and times of these
two men who did something that people throughout the world thought and believed, with
good historical and contemporary reasoning, could never happen in South Africa and the
United States: Presidents Extraordinaire.
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High Hopes and Challenging Realities: Defeating Racial Problems at Florida International University 1972 – 1982

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-5068-2
High Hopes and Challenging Realities is a collection of historical notes and reports about the struggle for equality and human rights by African Americans who were employed at Florida International University (FIU) more than three decades ago. A compelling reading, it is written by persons who were involved as participants and who were not afraid to contribute to the leadership required to address the existing wide-spread discriminatory practices in Florida’s State University and Community College Systems in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
The authors, with boldness, courage and assistance from others, organized the African American
employees at FIU and other state universities and colleges in the State of Florida. High Hopes
and Challenging Realities provides shocking insights and detailed specifics about their
involvements and the resulting actions that produced successful outcomes in the struggle for
equality and human rights in higher education in Florida. They broke down racial barriers and
opened doors for other African Americans.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-5068-2
High Hopes and Challenging Realities is a collection of historical notes and reports about the struggle for equality and human rights by African Americans who were employed at Florida International University (FIU) more than three decades ago. A compelling reading, it is written by persons who were involved as participants and who were not afraid to contribute to the leadership required to address the existing wide-spread discriminatory practices in Florida’s State University and Community College Systems in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
The authors, with boldness, courage and assistance from others, organized the African American
employees at FIU and other state universities and colleges in the State of Florida. High Hopes
and Challenging Realities provides shocking insights and detailed specifics about their
involvements and the resulting actions that produced successful outcomes in the struggle for
equality and human rights in higher education in Florida. They broke down racial barriers and
opened doors for other African Americans.
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First Black Police Chief of Jeffersonville: My Uncle Lawson Burnett

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-8913-2
I was raised by Grandma Grady Lee Burnett along with her fifteen children. One of her greatest hopes and dreams was that her last child, Lawson, would do what none of the others had done, graduate from high school. Not only did Lawson graduate from high school but he went on to become a career police officer, successfully climbed the career ladder and became the first African American Police Chief of the City of Jeffersonville, Georgia.
Being raised with Lawson, I got to know him up close and personal. It is an honor for me to share
his historic achievements and contributions with you.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-8913-2
I was raised by Grandma Grady Lee Burnett along with her fifteen children. One of her greatest hopes and dreams was that her last child, Lawson, would do what none of the others had done, graduate from high school. Not only did Lawson graduate from high school but he went on to become a career police officer, successfully climbed the career ladder and became the first African American Police Chief of the City of Jeffersonville, Georgia.
Being raised with Lawson, I got to know him up close and personal. It is an honor for me to share
his historic achievements and contributions with you.
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Forty Years in Academia: Farewell to My World of Great Books and Renowned Scholars

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-7970-6
Forty years is a long time to be in academia. On the eve of my sixty-fifth birthday, I ponder with my heart and soul for the encouragement and resolve to make definitive plans for my retirement. It took many long and hard years for me to reach this place and status in the academy. My work is very important to me. I have been blessed with opportunities to do things that I have tremendous interest in and enjoy immensely. It is a vital part of my professional life and identity.
It is time to move on. My retirement, along with many other baby boomers, will open up
opportunities to bring in new blood, young and diverse faculty members and administrators. That
will be good for academia.
This book will share highlights of my challenges and achievements in academia. I hope it will be
insightful and inspirational to future academics.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-7970-6
Forty years is a long time to be in academia. On the eve of my sixty-fifth birthday, I ponder with my heart and soul for the encouragement and resolve to make definitive plans for my retirement. It took many long and hard years for me to reach this place and status in the academy. My work is very important to me. I have been blessed with opportunities to do things that I have tremendous interest in and enjoy immensely. It is a vital part of my professional life and identity.
It is time to move on. My retirement, along with many other baby boomers, will open up
opportunities to bring in new blood, young and diverse faculty members and administrators. That
will be good for academia.
This book will share highlights of my challenges and achievements in academia. I hope it will be
insightful and inspirational to future academics.
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Me & My Best Friend: Making the Best of Our Later Years

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-6078-0
Life is a gift from God and we should endeavor to live it well, especially in old age. As a university professor and Baptist preacher, I have encouraged many people throughout my career to do what they can to make the best of the rest of their lives. When my children left home to attend college and my grandmother and mother died, the light became brighter in my heart and soul. My wife and best friend, Lilia, and I were entering that senior citizen zone and I wanted to do more things that were very meaningful and fulfilling to us – making the best of our later years. I began a journal to record some of our events and experiences. It evolved into this book that I hope will be enjoyable and meaningful to you.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-4626-6078-0
Life is a gift from God and we should endeavor to live it well, especially in old age. As a university professor and Baptist preacher, I have encouraged many people throughout my career to do what they can to make the best of the rest of their lives. When my children left home to attend college and my grandmother and mother died, the light became brighter in my heart and soul. My wife and best friend, Lilia, and I were entering that senior citizen zone and I wanted to do more things that were very meaningful and fulfilling to us – making the best of our later years. I began a journal to record some of our events and experiences. It evolved into this book that I hope will be enjoyable and meaningful to you.
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Seven Short Stories and Eight Poems

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-63004-683-5
I love literature and treasure its beauty, creativity and imagination in prose and verse. To imagine and give birth to a short story is an amazing and exciting experience. The words, melodic rhythm, rhyme and power of a poem comes and goes in a flashing moment and to capture its essence is magical and wonderful.
This book shares with you some of the fruits of my literary craft, Seven Short Stories and Eight Poems. I hope you will enjoy my book and I encourage you to share it with others.
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Publisher: PublishAmerica, LLLP
ISBN: 978-1-63004-683-5
I love literature and treasure its beauty, creativity and imagination in prose and verse. To imagine and give birth to a short story is an amazing and exciting experience. The words, melodic rhythm, rhyme and power of a poem comes and goes in a flashing moment and to capture its essence is magical and wonderful.
This book shares with you some of the fruits of my literary craft, Seven Short Stories and Eight Poems. I hope you will enjoy my book and I encourage you to share it with others.
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Living A Purposeful and Meaningful Life: Sermons and Words of Wisdom to Help You Along the Way

Author: Ralph Hogges
Publisher: America Star Books
ISBN: 978-1-63249-133-6
Over the years, many publications and speakers have expounded on the importance of living purposeful lives. Although this importance is undeniable, the reality is that living a purposeful life does not automatically mean that it is good. It could be good or bad, depending on the aim, intent or goal of the individual.
It is when one becomes committed to living a meaningful life that it is good. It is a life of using one’s God given gift, talent, mission or calling to make a significant difference in the lives of others. Read this Good News.
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Publisher: America Star Books
ISBN: 978-1-63249-133-6
Over the years, many publications and speakers have expounded on the importance of living purposeful lives. Although this importance is undeniable, the reality is that living a purposeful life does not automatically mean that it is good. It could be good or bad, depending on the aim, intent or goal of the individual.
It is when one becomes committed to living a meaningful life that it is good. It is a life of using one’s God given gift, talent, mission or calling to make a significant difference in the lives of others. Read this Good News.
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Ralph Hogges, Ed.D. | C: 305.898.4261 | H: 305.254.6278 | [email protected]