About Me

Ralph Hogges is a retired professor and administrator of Nova Southeastern University. He formerly held professorial and administrative positions at Florida International University and Florida Memorial University.
A scholar, writer, poet and playwright, he is the author of sixteen books and two plays. His literary works include poetry, memoir, biography, fiction, nonfiction, anthology and drama.
Born in Allentown, Georgia and raised a few miles away in Jeffersonville, Hogges earned his B.S. and M.Ed. at Tuskegee University, and the Ed.D. at Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, he has done postdoctoral studies at the University of Miami, Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), and Harvard University. He has also attended the Florida Heritage Writers Conference, and workshops and seminars for writers sponsored by the University of Miami Creative Writers Program.
Listed in Who is Who in American Literature, Hogges is a former columnist for the Miami Courier Newspaper. He is the founder and President of The Ralph Hogges and Benjamin Cowins Writers Group of South Florida. He and his co-founder and Vice President, Benjamin Cowins, Sr., are the creators, managers and presenters of The Hogges and Cowins Book Festival and Writers Conference.
He resides in Miami and Hollywood Beach, Florida with his wife, Lilia, a retired Professor of French and Spanish and Director of the Study Abroad Program at Florida Memorial University. They are the parents of two Harvard University educated daughters, Alicia and Genithia.
A scholar, writer, poet and playwright, he is the author of sixteen books and two plays. His literary works include poetry, memoir, biography, fiction, nonfiction, anthology and drama.
Born in Allentown, Georgia and raised a few miles away in Jeffersonville, Hogges earned his B.S. and M.Ed. at Tuskegee University, and the Ed.D. at Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, he has done postdoctoral studies at the University of Miami, Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), and Harvard University. He has also attended the Florida Heritage Writers Conference, and workshops and seminars for writers sponsored by the University of Miami Creative Writers Program.
Listed in Who is Who in American Literature, Hogges is a former columnist for the Miami Courier Newspaper. He is the founder and President of The Ralph Hogges and Benjamin Cowins Writers Group of South Florida. He and his co-founder and Vice President, Benjamin Cowins, Sr., are the creators, managers and presenters of The Hogges and Cowins Book Festival and Writers Conference.
He resides in Miami and Hollywood Beach, Florida with his wife, Lilia, a retired Professor of French and Spanish and Director of the Study Abroad Program at Florida Memorial University. They are the parents of two Harvard University educated daughters, Alicia and Genithia.
Ralph Hogges, Ed.D. | C: 305.898.4261 | H: 305.254.6278 | [email protected]